Message Recieved

Music, Melody, Musical Note

I have, for as long as I can remember, wished I could sing.  Now I’m no Beyonce or Whitney Houston, but I liked to think I could.  Some people had even told me I could sing, but for some reason I never felt confident that I actually sounded good.  Well, that’s not true…I thought I could sing; I just didn’t think others (enough) thought the same.

What I realized is that I can hold a note.  I can match my sound quite lovely when singing along with other altos.  So I sing…a lot!!  I sing in the car.  I sing at church.  I sing in the store.  I just enjoy singing!!

I had been attending this small church near my home for over a year now.  I go, I sing, and I participate in worship, but for some reason I hadn’t joined.  Since my mom, sister, and I have lived in the same city we joined and attended the same church.  For various reasons, we each left that church.  Maybe I was reluctant to join a church absent of my family, but I still really like the church, so I continue to “visit.”

One day, I came in late, so I had to sit near the from (not in my “assigned” seat.  (Y’all know we have assigned seats in church right?! LOL.) Anyway, I sat next to an older lady, and I sang along with the hymns as usual.  After some time, she leaned over and asked me why I wasn’t in the choir.  I bashfully didn’t know.  Before service ended, she said to me again that I really needed to be in the choir.  I politely nodded.

A Sunday or so later, another lady leaned over to me with the same question.  I told her I actually wasn’t even a member of the church.  That didn’t change her urging.

I honestly hadn’t really thought too much more about it.  The next Sunday or so, as I prepared to exit the sanctuary and greet the pastor, he said to me, “I need to talk to you for just a few minutes.  Sit right there and wait for me.”   I did, wondering what in the world does he had to say to me.

As the sanctuary cleared, he came over and said, “My mother-in-law told me that you could really sing.”  “I can hold a note,” I replied with a smile.  He goes on to say that the new music director is working to form a young adult choir, if I would like to join, and do I want to meet him.  I obliged.  The music director was called over.  We spoke very briefly…I’ll be going to choir rehearsal Thursday!!

It’s funny how I’ve said to myself for as long as I can remember, “I wish I could sing,” yet the Lord heard my voice and was pleased.  It feels kind of special to hear from God and respond in accordance.  I would have never joined on my own.  I don’t know anyone.  It’s gonna be awkward.  I would have let these thoughts and feelings keep me from being of service to the Lord in the choir.

I’m glad that God knows what I had always wished, and He created an opportunity for me serve Him doing something I enjoy doing.  There is also a message here about the spirit of telling yourself no.

Let us all incline our ears to the Lord and speak life into our hopes, dreams, and desires.

Author: Marlene Dior

Marlene was born in Lexington, Kentucky. Although, raised as a "military brat" thus having grown up in many places, Lexington will always be home (Go Big Blue #BBN ;-) ). She received her Bachelor's of Arts from Georgia State University. She went on to complete her Master's of Education from Texas Southern University here in Houston, Texas. Most recently, God showed favor on Marlene in that she earned her Doctor of Education degree from Texas Southern University. Currently, Marlene serves as an assistant principal for a public, urban school district in the greater Houston area.