
Remember when we told you about the blessing jars we created last year on January 1st??  Well, God has been filling our jars all year!!  Here’s a look….

Will you commit to recording your blessings in 2017?  How had God filled your jar during 2016?  Let us know!

Author: Marlene Dior

Marlene was born in Lexington, Kentucky. Although, raised as a "military brat" thus having grown up in many places, Lexington will always be home (Go Big Blue #BBN ;-) ). She received her Bachelor's of Arts from Georgia State University. She went on to complete her Master's of Education from Texas Southern University here in Houston, Texas. Most recently, God showed favor on Marlene in that she earned her Doctor of Education degree from Texas Southern University. Currently, Marlene serves as an assistant principal for a public, urban school district in the greater Houston area.